Wednesday 1 February 2017

"How do I find God in my life?"

Recently someone asked me the seemingly simple question "how do I find God in my life?". Such a simple question, should provide a simple answer, right? I mean we know that God is all around us, "omnipresent" if you will. We know that He doesn't hide from any of us. In fact, we know through His word that his Holy Spirit lives IN us. Yet I found myself struggling to find a "simple" answer.

Not wanting to leave my friend empty handed in her brave and commendable search to know Him, I gave her the simplest response I could give her. I explained the importance of "relationship" and gave her advice on how to start building it. Reading it back, you would think that what I said was correct; it was helpful, easy to follow, and probably the sort of response she was looking for.  Yet I couldn't help but feel like I had left something out... and I had. In fact, I had completely misinformed her. And in doing so, I realised how misinformed I had been in the beginnings of my relationship with Him. So instead of simply messaging her the answer i've concluded with, I thought it would be worth posting on here.

Question: "How do I find God in my life?"

Answer: "You don't."

Hear me out. The BIGGEST mistake I ever made in my relationship with God was constantly seeking out where He was in MY LIFE. Don't get me wrong, I found God - over and over I found Him... but over and over I lost Him. Why? Because instead of seeking Him, I was seeking for His PLACE in MY life. And newsflash; God is far, FAR too big for mine, or any one of our lives.

"Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it." Luke 17:33 KJV

The question I would urge anyone trying to find God to ask is: "How do I find myself in God?".

I can't give a perfect answer, because everyone's journey and relationship is different, but I can tell you some of the key ways that I do it. Firstly, you need to seek God's truth about who YOU are in him - all of which you can find in God's handy dandy notebook (the Holy Bible). Here are a few key truths God has written for you to discover about yourself:

You have been CHOSEN, from the beginning.

"...because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:" 2 Thessalonians 2:13 KJV

By His grace you are REDEEMED. 

"In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;" Ephesians 1:7 KJV


"As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us." Psalms 103:12

You are LOVED.

"Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 1 John 4:10 KJV

These are only four of a whole lot more truths than I can count, the truth about your identity and who you were created to be. You can find the rest in your bible, or if that's too much to ask to start off with you can literally google "who I am in Christ" and you'll see thousands of results. No one is too far gone to walk in the purpose God has for them, and to walk in relationship with Him. He knew you before your mother even thought about you, he CHOSE you for a specific purpose, designed for your hands alone. He loved and will never stop loving you, and he has already forgiven you, and will redeem you when you walk towards him.

So, to my friend - this is the advice I should have given you from the start, and I hope this encourages you to seek your identity through Christ, then relationship will follow. Although I will say, it's easy to forget these things, you need to remind yourself everyday, and don't let the enemy cover the truth with His lies. You are so much more valued than you will ever know. So, so loved, is WHO you are, through him.

Until next time,

Mikayla Katherine xx

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Why Did I Started Blogging?!

Once again, I put writing at the bottom of my priority list... and once again, I felt like something was missing. I tell myself blogging/writing is a waste of time, no one reads it and I could be tidying the house or reading a book to "expand my mind", even though i've told myself time and time again that none of the above excuses are true. So how do I get back on my writing buzz and keep this blog train chugging? Well, I can't really be sure... but I do know of a good place to start.

What's my "WHY"?

Why did I start this blog in the first place? What was the initial inspiration to put my thoughts on the internet? And why do I want to continue to do so?

Well, I guess it all began when I learnt about our friend google, and being an 9 or 10 year old girl, my DREAM was to be a fashion designer, so I used to google outfits and different fashion ideas. Then I found out you could upload your own stuff, so I used to collect all of my favourite fashion images off the internet and use Windows Movie Maker (cringe) on my parent's Dell dinosaur to create a power point looking video with my favourite music playing in the background (oh how I wish I knew where to find this on the net). Then one thing lead to another and I learnt about blogs, and not only that but how many types of blogs there were. I went through fazes and obsessions with DIY, makeup, health, creating my own content as well, but me being me giving up and deleting the blog and/or YouTube channel after one post because I believed I "wasn't interesting enough" (this happened at least 10 times).

And now here we are... hopefully this time it sticks, because I truly do love writing and creating.

So I guess my why began when i became inspired by other peoples content and creativity, and I wanted the chance to share my own. And that still is true, but now it's not just the creating that I love, but it's the inspiration of each thing I create. I want to be able to find myself a little possy in a subject, idea or situation and shine some light, ask questions and bring something new and thought provoking into it. I also want the chance to document my life, and to share some of the tools I use, and lessons I've learnt in this beautiful journey.

I'm just a regular girl, with a heart that can't contain all it holds - and here is where I want to put some of the love it has to give, in the hope that at least 1 person will receive some of that love. (Still the same weird kid in this picture ;) )

Anyway, enough babble - I hope you enjoyed the brief read. I'd love to know what's something you enjoy, and what's your why behind it? Leave me a comment below :-)

Until next time,

Mikayla Katherine xx

Tuesday 6 December 2016

5 Things I Hate

This is a nice wee tangent i've got going on here... so uplifting! After sharing the 5 things i'm bad at, I thought what better to do than share the 5 things I hate - standard right? ;-) Well not exactly, hate isn't exactly the emotion I aim to promote, and is definitely a stronger word than I like to use, but i'm exploring my own boundaries with this blogging thing, so I'm diving over into my discomfort, and I hope you enjoy! So lets get on with it:

1. Hypocrisy - noun; the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. 
Not a lot bugs me more than when someone persecutes me (or someone else), for something they do/have done themselves. But one thing that does bug me more, is the fact that I do it too, in fact i'm almost certain everybody does... which in turn makes us all hypocrites - which of course bugs me to my very bones. So I guess you could call me a hypocrite for saying it's something I hate, ha?

2. To Bear False Witness -  1. Speaking falsely in any matter, lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbour. 2. Speaking unjustly against our neighbour, to the prejudice of his reputation; and (which involves the guilty of both).
Lying, cheating, deceiving - it's all wound up in that same thing, and I hate it... all of it. But what I hate most of all is that it's a part of each and every one of our characters, as we are our environment, we intoxicate each other with poison, growing up in a web of lies - and that fact distresses me, in every fibre of my being. But I am thankful for the hope of escaping that web, of finding light in the dark places - I am thankful that I can change my environment, I can change myself.

3. Society's Depiction of "Love"- noun; a strong feeling of affection. 
Key word being "feeling" - THAT is the depiction I hate. I hate that we're brought up believing that love is measured by the "feeling", and so teaching us that when we lose that "feeling", we have lost, or are losing that love that we so desperately desire. I believe love is a choice, our OWN decision, and how someone else makes us "feel", doesn't determine whether we are loved or not. Someone could message you once in a week when they are crippled with time consuming expectation, in an act of love; and in turn you may despise the fact that they messaged you only once, in your long, vacant week, leaving you to "feel" unloved. Where as someone could also buy you a nice gift, as a way of distracting you while they deceive you; and in turn, oblivious to that motive, you may be filled with joy, with a "feeling" of love, when in reality you are being the opposite of loved. Am I painting a clear enough picture for you?

4. "Religion" - noun; a particular system of faith and worship. 
This may be misinterpreted, so let me iron out the wrinkles. I do not by any means hate RELIGIONS, what I hate is the key words in that definition "particular system", and the chaos they cause. I believe that no one person should have the same "system" as another person. Although I am a Christian, and believe the only way to the Father is through the Son, I do hate the religion that is buried under, I hate that the beauty of our salvation is buried by fear of persecution and obligation, keeping so many seeking people at arms length, because they aren't taught through love, but instead by fear. I hate that man has created rules and daunting obligation in which they say determines a persons worth.

5. Assumption - noun; a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
Something every single one of us does, and admittedly sometimes it saves time, and is useful. What I hate, is that it often stems from miscommunication and causes misunderstanding, an then goes on to create an AVOIDABLE argument. As they say, to assume is to make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".

Now that you've seen the darkest places in my mind, I hope you go on to enjoy the day/night ahead of you - but I mostly hope that you see the light that shines brighter than the hate. Thank you for taking the time to read my words, leave a comment so I know who i'm thanking.

All the love in the world,

Mikayla Katherine xx

Thursday 1 December 2016

5 Things I'm Bad At

After 7 months without a blog post, I thought it was time I jumped back in the game - and what better way to start than insulting my abilities to do things? Joking, but I am going to write down a handful of things that I could be a LOT better at, and that I want to start working towards improving... and what better place to put it than the internet? The one place i'll never be able to delete it from so will always be held accountable ;-) So lets dive right into it, starting with the obvious one:

1. Blogging - but not just blogging, making time to do anything that takes effort and energy... no matter how happy it makes me! Not an ideal thing to be bad at, it all comes down to lack of self motivation, which i'm sure a LOT of people have struggled with - and if they can do it, why can't I?

2. Sticking to plans/goals - seriously though, i'm SO bad. My new years resolution track record is 2 days of effort, and 363 days of YOLO, and my workout history is "that was a great workout, that earned me a tub of icecream!". I'm 20 now, a mum, a girlfriend and a young adults leader... I think it's time to start practising self discipline - if I can't do it, how can I expect other people to?

3. Napping - I don't mean i'm bad at napping, I mean I'm bad at NOT napping. You know sometimes I find myself reading, tidying, writing or even just chilling out watching a Todd White video and I suddenly get so incredibly tired (with no real excuse - I get at least 5 hours of sleep most nights which could be a lot worse with a baby) and then I think, "If I sleep for 10 minutes, it will re energise me, and then I can do this task 100% better... Kadee's napping, so why can't I?!". Then I fall asleep, wake up to my alarm and push snooze until Kadee wakes up and I've done absolutely nothing, and feel awful and groggy - and I know it doesn't help, yet I still do it. Logic? Seriously need to work on that... maybe a doctors appointment is in order to find away to be energised. Any tips would be more than appreciated!

4. Eating - or should the real answer be "cooking"? I'm not a bad cook, i'll give myself that - but motivating myself to actually do it is a whole other story. I procrastinate to the point where I wont cook myself food because "I don't have time" or any other excuse, so I go a day without eating and then binge on a ginormous meal when my boyfriend comes over with takeaways or when I go to my parents for our weekly family meal... or i'll just eat a loaf of bread because why the heck not? Don't worry guys Kadee eats well, but I'm definitely hoping to smash out a cooking routine so we can eat together like normal people. I would say "mum life", but I don't think it applies here, I think it's more like "lazy 20 year old in denial that she's an adult life". And finally...

5. Self Care - I'm starting to catch on to the fact that, a big part of why I feel like it's SO hard to do these things is because I don't look after myself. I spend so long stressing out about things, investing all my energy in that when what I should be doing is investing my time and energy into taking care of myself so I can go on in life's battle clear headed, navigating more easily and calmly. So I suppose that's the ultimate goal here, perhaps that's what this blog will end up being about - but hey, I clearly don't know all the answers, so we will see what happens.

Until next time,

Mikayla Katherine x

Thursday 28 April 2016

It's Been A While

Why haven't I been writing?

Well, there's this little girl I know, she's beautiful, a true angel with an amazing life ahead of her, and i've been spending all of my time hanging out with her, and building a future for the two of us. Her name is Kadence, she's perfect in every way, she's filled my heart with joy and love and fills it more every day, regardless of the fact that it's overflowing - this little girl is my daughter.

I knew being a mum would be a lot of things, but I never knew how it really WOULD be. In everything I do, my mind always wanders to Kadence, and how it will effect her, and her life.

I never knew I would want to cry multiple times a day without even knowing why, overwhelmed with magnificent emotion, and having to hold it in, in fear of not being able to stop.

I never knew I would be capable of anything and everything I never thought I could do, simply because I have a little girl looking up to me from such innocent and pure eyes, and I want to be able to show her that she CAN do anything, no matter what.

There's so many things I never knew, and so many things that astonish me every day.

I never truly knew who I was until Kadence came into my world, and coloured in the grey areas of my life with colours I've never seen before.

I thought my life was over, that I had to sacrifice my happiness for someone else's, that that's what being a mum was.

I was wrong.

My life was just beginning, and the things I used to consider "sacrifices", are now an absolute joy.

I would do it all one million times over, go through all the hurt and brokeness again, if it meant having my angel girl in my arms, just as we are now.

This is what true love is, I never knew.

Monday 28 December 2015

A Wandering Mind

As you can see, I'm getting on in this pregnancy! Would you believe this photo was taken about a month ago? I hardly can, things are going so quickly, but also so slowly at the same time. I am 37 weeks now and I am SO ready for this baby to arrive. My feet are bigger than my belly (not really but they sure as heck feel like it), my face looks fatter every day, I can't walk to the toilet without plonking myself down on the bowl and puffing like i've just done a workout, it takes me a good few minutes to drink one glass of water because there just doesn't seem to be anywhere for it to go, I can't even bend down to put my plate in the dishwasher without straining something! Everything is a mission, even getting into bed seems like a bloody hassle, the only thing that keeps me sane is knowing that in only a few, drawn out weeks (hopefully less), I will get to lay eyes on my beautiful little girl for the first time. I get to see what she looks like, I get to feed her, hold her in my arms and love her with everything in my heart. I am going to be a mother and I can't even describe to you how surreal, yet incredible that feels.

That's all I really have to say, I wanted to blog something, I have missed writing but have felt like I had nothing worth writing about - but then I remembered I started this blog for me, somewhere to write my thoughts, so what am I doing sitting here overthinking without comprehending it in words? I hope everyone had as lovely of a christmas as I did, and that your day was filled with joy and laughter :-) It's 2:41am and I think it's about time I put myself back to sleep, now that my wandering mind has been decelerated by putting it into words.

Thank you for reading this far, and I hope your day/evening brings you something unexpected and joyful :-)

Until next time (hopefully when a little miss arrives),

Mikayla Katherine xx

Sunday 29 November 2015

Taking Advantage of Spring

Spring is my favourite season, despite the fact that the pollen flying around causes the unwelcome guest we know as "hay fever", it's a really special season to me. It could have something to do with the fact that i'm a spring baby? Who knows! But spring carries something so wonderful, it brings us a promise of all things being made new. We see animals born, the first blossom blooms, the bees come out to pollenate the plants, all while the sun comes out from behind the gloomy clouds, more frequently than the dreary winter we endure before. Almost everything the season brings is a reminder - tomorrow is a new day. The plants that were covered in snow in the winter, now get to bloom and share their magnificent design with us... how amazing is that? It's the season of new beginnings, and every one of us needs a new beginning in some part of our life. Spring is a reminder that all things pass, and then new things come around and a new journey begins - the beautiful cycle of life.

So this year I wanted to take advantage of the season and do something that would benefit my family and I, while enjoying one of the beautiful aspects of my favourite season - growth. So what better thing to do than start a vegetable garden?

As you can see, it is most definitely a work in progress! It's been just over a month since I sorted out the soil and planted the little baby vege plants, and this is what we have so far. It was so exciting for me to see the plants grow to where they are now, so I thought it would be a fun idea to show you wee updates of how my little project is going! You can see from this photo that it's a little messy around in between my two little vege boxes, and that's the next thing I want to tackle, but it's a little hard to do as my back isn't liking all the bending over with the added weight I have on my front half at the moment, so i'm sticking to the small stuff for the time being. How about a tour - shall we?

The first thing I'll show you is my slightly overgrown green rhubarb plant. As i'm sure you can tell, I did not JUST plant this, it's been there for about a year now, mum actually planted it when she had the intention of starting a vege garden but didn't have the time. It's a lot smaller than it was about a month ago as we have used a LOT of it for desserts (rhubarb crumble and custard anyone?). It's incredibly rewarding having a dish that grew in your garden - you know exactly where it came from, and can be rest assured no nasty pesticides were used on them! This is my least favourite area of the garden to look at, so we'll move on from here...

So here's my first box of yummy's! From the left, I have kale, broccolini, a mixture of lettuce and then on the far right I have a row of coriander.
The kale is growing really well, I haven't used any yet but it's really taken off.
As for the broccolini, well I think it's doing okay... it's getting quite tall but there are no florets yet, I guess they might take a while.
The lettuce is growing (obviously), although not as fast as the others, and I am having a slight issue... slugs - they love the stuff! I've chucked some slug pellets on there so i'm hoping that keeps the buggers away.
The coriander is amazing, grows at a steady pace and there's plenty of it! Have used it a lot in the kitchen so far.

Moving on to the second box: the row at the back consists of some sugar snap peas, then from the left I have a tomato plant, strawberry plant (in the pot), spring onion and then spinach.
The sugar snap peas are growing super fast! They're wrapping themselves around the string and growing up them nicely - i'm getting excited, I love sugar snap peas! Especially nice with a wee dish of hummus, perfect healthy snack.
The tomato plant is looking pretty good, it has a few flowers and was a lot thicker than this, I just snipped off the bottom leaves so the nutrients aren't being wasted on them since they don't flower - that way the tomatoes soak up all the goodies.
The strawberry plant is doing well, but unfortunately I haven't had any strawberries! Nothing to do with the plant, in fact my dog is the culprit, she eats them as soon as they ripen! Incredibly frustrating, but I'm not too worried - at least she's not digging the garden to bits!
I'll be honest here, the spring onion is looking pretty pathetic - haha! It's not really doing much, growing pretty slowly. I'm not even sure you'll be able to see them in this image, there's a patch of them on the left of the spinach. Hopefully next update they're a bit happier!
And finally, the spinach! I love myself some spinach, but unfortunately so do slugs. This stuff is growing like crazy, i'm super stoked, but not so stoked about all the bite marks on them... I've chucked down some slug pellets so i'll keep you updated on that one!

So there you have it, my spring project. It really is a great way to keep myself grounded, and remind myself of the magnificent things that the season brings. If you're still stuck in the winter blues, I recommend getting out into nature and doing something similar - even if it's just growing a strawberry plant. It's not only a great form of meditation and reflection, but it's also incredibly rewarding, and gives you a sense of achievement.

So I'm curious to know, what are you doing to take advantage of spring? I'd love to know!

Thanks for reading this far, I hope you got something out of it!

Until next time,

Mikayla Katherine xx